In this short film we follow the lives of two characters that seem to be both part of the same creature while also being total opposites. It’s not clear what their relation to each other is. They communicate in a poetic but confusing manner, sometimes addressing each other and sometimes addressing us, the viewers.
Their lives are set in this house they seem to live in, but they are not bound to its physical walls. They move through several layers of television worlds, changing themselves into accommodating fictional forms.
“In the last hour, we would return to the old house and come back to the new house, to find that she was sitting in a corner. We would wait for the ghost as long as the earth remained, never to make things the way they are because the ghost made things, like the man, always.”
The idea for this film comes from the feeling of being in conflict with yourself, isolating at home and getting sucked into several tv shows to escape reality. Going further and further, until you don’t know the difference between your real self and your fictional self and the borders blur between tv and real life.
This work is still in process, made possible by Kunstpot's project Lucht.