In this reality miniseries we follow the lives of five main characters that have found shelter together in one house. We see them going about their normal lives, finding several ways of expressing themselves through their appearance, their speech and actions, as well as helping other likeminded individuals who want to find themselves.
I want to explore the part different media forms play in the relationship between main society and outsiders. I am blurring the lines by creating dialogues together with Ai and masks that turn myself and others into characters. By investigating these feedback loops I want to see how far I can push it to suck the viewer in along with us through several parallel tv worlds.
Actors: Milan Roenhorst, Ron Veldman, Klaudija YlaitÄ—, Nynke Bloembergen, Jesse Veldman.
Mentioned in this beautiful essay by Persis Bekkering
on Mister Motley.
Advertisement, published in Homezeen issue #3
Exhibition view at M0Bi for SWERVE graduation show.
Photos by Tianyi Zheng